Fig, Goats Cheese and Walnut Couscous Salad

Fig, Goats Cheese and Walnut Couscous Salad

Just a quick post today as I have a cold (just in time for thanksgiving weekend). I made this a few days ago when I had some figs in the fridge that needed finishing. I was looking for a recipe to use them when I came across this recipe for a fig and couscous salad with walnuts and goats cheese. It sounded pretty good and I would have the opportunity to use couscous for a second time.

1 cup water
1 cup couscous (I used whole wheat)
4 figs (quartered)
1/4 cup walnuts (chopped)
1/4 goats cheese (crumbled)
1 tablespoon walnut oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
the pulp from one fig

1. Bring the water to a boil in a small sauce pan and turn off the heat.
2. Mix in the couscous, cover and let sit for 5 minutes.
3. Mix in the figs, walnuts and cheese.
4. Mix the oil, lemon juice and fig pulp in a small bowl.
5. Mix the dressing into the couscous.
6. Place the lettuce leaves on a plate.
7. Place the couscous salad on the lettuce.

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