Maple Creme Brulee

Maple Creme Brulee

Since I started food blogging I have been seeing creme brulee's a lot. They always looked really good but they sounded a bit intimidating. I am not really sure why I was hesitant about trying to make a creme brulee... maybe it was because I kept seeing recipes that required a blow torch. I recently picked up a large jug of good maple syrup and I was looking for some recipes to use it in when I came across some recipes for maple creme brulee that sounded good. The first recipe that I came across sounded pretty easy and luckily it called for broiling to caramelize the sugar on top rather than a blow torch. The creme brulee was really easy to make. I was a bit surprised that a recipe that contains just cream, eggs and maple syrup changed from a liquid to a semi-solid. The maple creme brulee was so good!! The maple flavour came through nicely and it was smooth, creamy and sweet. The caramelized sugar on top created a thin crispy layer that was a nice contrast in texture.

2 cups heavy cream
1/2 cup maple syrup
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup maple sugar (or brown sugar)

1. Heat the heavy cream and maple syrup until just before boiling and remove from heat.
2. Mix the eggs, egg yolks and vanilla in a bowl.
3. Pour the cream mixture into the eggs slowly while stirring.
4. Pour the mixture into 4 ramekins.
5. Place the ramekins in a baking pan and fill the baking pan with water until it comes halfway up the ramekins.
6. Bake in a preheated 350F oven until firm but still jiggley, about 30-35 minutes.
7. Let them cool and then cool in the fridge until cold.
8. Sprinkle with the sugar and place under a broiler until the sugar turns golden brown, about 20-90 seconds.

Similar Recipes:
Maple Pots de Creme
Chocolate Pots de Creme

Other Maple Recipes

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