Closet Cooking's Birthday: 2009

Closet Cooking is now 2 years old!

It is times like these that I like to take some time to stop and look back. As I looked through all of my posts over the last year on Closet Cooking I was amazed at all of the tasty food that I have been making. My meals have certainly not been boring since I started food blogging and I have been enjoying them a lot more!

As I looked back over my posts I also noticed my transition from my old point and shoot camera to my new DSLR camera (a Canon XSi/450D). It certainly has been fun learning all the ins and outs of the new camera both with respects to food photography and using it for other purposes. I still have a lot to learn about the camera and about food photography and I look forward to learning more. The next thing on my list of things to do to improve my food photography is to pick up some new props. I'm sure that you are all tired of seeing that some old place mat. :)

I would once again like to take this opportunity to thank all of my readers! Your continued support provides me with the energy and inspiration to continue searching for new and wonderful flavour adventures.

It's time for me to enjoy some celebratory apricot and white chocolate oatmeal cookies. I will leave you with some of my favorite recipes from the last year:

Steak and Guinness Pie
Chocolate Stout Cake with Bailey's Cream Cheese Frosting
Molten Chocolate Cake
Chinese Hot and Sour Soup
Nanaimo Bars
Pad Thai
Maple Pecan Pie
Thai Peanut Turkey Burger
Sweet Corn Ice Cream
Savoury Zucchini Bread with Roasted Red Peppers and Feta
Thai Lemon Shrimp
Cinnamon Bread

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