Nasturtium Jalapeño Aioli

This aioli was the result of a little experiment I conducted earlier this week. I was testing both my ability to make aioli and also the flavor combination. Peter over at cookblog mentioned a nasturtium pesto awhile back, and that led me down the path to nasturtium aioli. I was thinking the peppery leaves would flavor an aioli nicely. To point up the pepperiness and cut the richness with some acidity at the same time, I decided to use some slices of pickled jalapeno as well. That idea was blatantly stolen from Susan Spicer after having tried her jalapeño dressing. My concoction was just what I was hoping for in that it was thick and creamy with peppery, herbal notes and just a hint of spice.

One egg yolk was whisked with garlic as the olive oil was barely dribbled in at first. Little by little, the remaining olive oil was incorporated, and then the nasturtium leaves and jalapeno were added. I tasted and added a pinch of salt. We enjoyed the experimental aioli on simply boiled potatoes. After this successful test run, I’m hoping I can recreate it and that it will pair well with roasted salmon.

Nasturtium Jalapeño Aioli:
1 egg yolk
1/2 c olive oil

1 clove garlic, minced
3 T finely chopped nasturtium leaves
3 slices of pickled jalapeno, finely minced
Salt to taste

I'm submitting this to Ivy at Kopiaste who is hosting Weekend Herb Blogging organized by Haalo at Cook Almost Anything at Least Once.

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