Jaden Hair, What Are You Reading?

What is this? Well, this is a new feature that will appear from time to time here on lisa is cooking. I’ve been open about my obsession with books and food publications, and I thought it might be fun to ask around and find out what other people are reading. I want to know what people have read lately that was interesting or inspiring. So instead of asking what’s your favorite book ever, I’m asking what are you reading?

Last Saturday, I attended a food blogger workshop here in Austin which was organized by Babette Pepaj and Jaden Hair and co-produced by Natanya Anderson. The talks and presentations at the workshop were very informative, and it was a great opportunity to meet some fellow bloggers while learning new things. I cooked up the idea for this new feature over the weekend and since I’d just met Jaden, I wanted to ask this question of her first. Although Jaden requires no introduction, I’ll go ahead and mention that she’s the award-winning food blogger behind Steamy Kitchen, appears twice a month on the Daytime Show, and is a columnist for Discovery’s TLC and for Tampa Tribune. Her book is
The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook. So, with no further ado, Jaden Hair, what are you reading?

Jaden: The book I'm currently reading is Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuck. I was lucky enough to have met him in Austin on Monday, and he is every bit as energetic, passionate and caring in person as he is in his book. I actually bought his book via the day before I flew to South by Southwest and downloaded it to my iphone to listen to while driving. Even though it's not about cooking or food, Gary is a fellow blogger, social media expert, and he totally gets it about the future of small business, entrepreneurship, and marketing. I highly recommend it!

Thank you for participating, Jaden! Check back to see who answers the question next time and what other books are recommended.

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