Coffee Rubbed Roasted Pork Belly Tacos

Coffee Rubbed Roasted Pork Belly Tacos

The other weekend I had the pleasure of attending an Old Montreal getaway along with Karen of Tiny Bites, Mijune Follow Me Foodie, Jody of Mommy Moment, Jeannette Everyone Likes Sandwiches and of Tanis Redneck Mommy that was put on by Van Houtte. The weekend was filled with LOTS of good coffee and tasty food including a 14 course meal with a coffee theme at Saint-Urbain. All of the coffee inspire food got me to thinking that I do not use coffee as an ingredient when cooking nearly often enough. The timing could not have been better as I was just itching to make some coffee rubbed pork belly tacos that were inspired by a sandwich that made an appearance at the first Toronto Underground Market.

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