Spaghetti Squash Shrimp Pad Thai

Spaghetti Squash Shrimp Pad Thai
I have really been enjoying spaghetti squash recently! It is so versatile and I like the way that you can use it as a lighter replacement for noodles is a lot of dishes. Usually I see this being done with more Italian style dishes but I thought that it would be great to replace the rice noodles in one of my favourite noodle dishes, Pad Thai, with some spaghetti squash. Pad Thai is a Thai style stir-fried noodle dish with a base of thick rice noodles, some eggs and a tasty sauce that is the perfect blend of sweet, sour, salty and spicy. From there you can add pretty much anything that you want to and I usually go with some shrimp and plenty of vegetables and herbs.

For the recipe I went with my usual Pad Thai recipe making only a few slight modifications to take into account the delicate nature of the spaghetti squash 'noodles'. After roasting the spaghetti squash, you extract the 'noodles', letting them drain off any excess liquid in a colander before adding them to the stir-fry. In order to make sure that the spaghetti squash noodles retain their shape you add them at the very end and only gently mix the other ingredients of the stir-fry into them.

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