Steam Thai fish by Lisa Tan‎

- 2 or 3 stalks lemongrass, (white portion only, smashed)
- 3 tbsp chopped garlic
- 2 Thai chili padi, sliced
- 3 tbsp fish sauce
- 6 tbsp fresh squeezed large green lime juice
- 1 tsp sugar
- handful of coriander (for garnish)

- Clean e fish thoroughly & pat dry with kitchen towel.
- Stuff e lemongrass into cavity of e fish & place e fish on steaming dish.
- In a bowl, well mix all e garlic, chili, lime juice, fish sauce & sugar.
- Pour e sauce onto e fish & steam for 8-10mins. (For e last 2 mins I add half coriander to steam).
- Remove from steaming rack, garnish with coriander & serve immediately.

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