Closet Cooking's Birthday: 2008

Closet Cooking is now 1 year old! I can't believe that a whole year has gone by already. Time really does fly when you are having fun! A year ago, if you had asked me if I thought that Closet Cooking would still be around in a year, I would not have known the answer. But here we are a year later with over 400 posts and I find it hard to imagine not food blogging. It seems that food blogging has gone from simply being a hobby to being a highly enjoyable obsession. :)

The path that I have been traveling on this last year has been a very tasty road of learning and discovery. In this last year I have discovered so many new foods, flavours and cuisines. I have also learned a lot about cooking and baking and a little a bit about food photography. I know that there is still a lot for me to learn and discover and I look forward to the tasty adventures ahead.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my readers for your continued support. I would also like to thank everyone that comments on Closet Cooking as your help and words of kindness and encouragement mean a lot to me!

Before I decide to rewrite this post yet again, on to the food porn. These were some of my favorite dishes from the last year.

Green Tea White Chocolate Mascarpone Brownies with Chocolate Ganache
Chocolate Cheesecake
Sesame Chicken
Sugar Plums
Moo Satay (Pork Satay) with Curried Peanut Sauce
Shrimp and Couscous Salad
Chili Verde
Bibim Guksu (Soba and Kimchi Salad)
Salmon Teriyaki
Goat Cheese Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Red Wine Balsamic Cherry Sauce

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