Ganache-Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

I saw these cookies on the last page of the September issue of Food and Wine. Kurt loves chocolate chip cookies, so I immediately decided I should make these for him. Yes, these were all for Kurt. At any time, when asked what kind of cookie he would like, the answer is always chocolate chip. I hoped he wouldn’t mind the usual simplicity being ruined by a chocolate ganache filling, but I thought he would probably be able to deal with it. So, yes, these cute, little, crunchy cookies with a rich chocolate ganache sandwiched between them were not something I would want. Not at all. This baking endeavor was entirely for Kurt.

The cookie dough recipe is straightforward. Walnuts were added to the dough, and if you prefer your chocolate chip cookies without nuts you could omit them. The walnuts were particularly enjoyable in this cookie though. I mean it seems like they would be since these cookies were for Kurt not me. The ganache filling was started in the usual way. Cream was warmed with corn syrup, and that was poured over chocolate. The chocolate was whisked to a smooth state, and then the recipe called for creme fraiche to be added. I had never added creme fraiche to a ganache before. Butter, yes, but not creme fraiche. The finished ganache was chilled for 30 minutes before being spread on half the cookies. I noticed that my cookies turned a little darker than those pictured in the magazine. Next time, I’ll check on them before the end of the 12 minute baking time.

So, after baking the cookies, making the ganache, and filling the sandwiches, I gave up the notion that these were just for Kurt. I had tasted a plain cookie and quite liked it, but the sandwiched cookies with this chocolate filling were just crazy. I want to say the creme fraiche made the ganache a little more like chocolate pudding, but I really didn’t think about it for long. I was too busy trying to prevent myself from devouring every last cookie before Kurt even got home.

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