Hosting Presto Pasta Nights #143

Presto Pasta Nights #143

It's been a while but once again I have the honour of hosting Presto Pasta Nights! Presto Pasta Nights is a pasta based food blogging event created by Ruth at Once Upon a Feast that has been serving up tasty pasta dishes for almost three years now. This food blogging event is nice and simple; you send the host, in this case me, a photo of your pasta dish and link to your post about the pasta dish and on Friday the host posts a roundup of all the wonderful pastas so that every one can enjoy them all. Pasta dishes definitely rank high among my favourite foods and I am looking forward to seeing all of your tasty pastas!

Please email your entries to me at lynch (dot) kevin (at) gmail (dot) com and cc ruth (at) 4everykitchen (dot) com by Thursday December the 10th for the Friday December the 11th roundup. Don't forget to link to Closet Cooking and Presto Pasta Nights in the post so that your readers can find the roundup. Take a look at the complete guidelines for submission and you can find out who is hosting Presto Pasta Nights in the future.

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