Golden Beet Tatin with Goat Cheese

Beet Tatin with Goat Cheese

Beets are another great winter vegetable and I don't seem to have them nearly often enough. A couple of weeks ago I was at a restaurant near work, Mildred's Temple Kitchen, and they had a lot of great sounding dishes using seasonal ingredients including a golden beet tatin served with salad greens and goat cheese. Given my enjoyment of seasonal ingredients I was pleased to see the dish on the menu and I just had to order it. The beet tatin turned out to be really good, so good in fact that I just had to try to make it at home!

I started off the recipe with the easy part, roasting the golden beets. Next up was trying to figure out what the pinot noir gastrique was from their description in the menu. It turns out that a gastrique is made by caramelizing sugar, adding a vinegar and then reducing to the desired consistency. Along my search I came across a gastrique that caramelized honey instead of sugar and I liked the sound of that. So in the end I had a gastrique made with caramelized honey, red wine vinegar and pinot noir and it sounded really good.

Now that I had a recipe for the contents of the tatin I just needed to cook it. Normally a tatin (a pie with the crust on top) is made in a full pie plate but I decided to make it in ramekins so that they would be in individual serving sizes. The individually sized golden beet tatins in a pinot noir gastrique garnished with goat cheese turned out great! The roasted golden beets were perfectly soft, nice and sweet and they went so well with the savoury gastrique. Of course you really can't go wrong with the light, flaky, all butter pastry and the tangy goat cheese finished everything off perfectly. I served the beet tatin along with some salad greens and the remaining gastrique made for the perfect dressing.

Golden Beet Tatin with Goat Cheese

(makes 4 servings)
Printable Recipe

4 small golden beets (washed and trimmed)
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1/4 cup red wine
pastry to cover 4 ramekins
1/4 cup goat cheese (crumbled)
2 cups salad greens

1. Wrap the beets in aluminum foil.
2. Bake the beets in a preheated 350F oven until soft, about 1 to 1.5 hours.
3. Let the beets cool, peel and slice them.
4. Caramelize the honey on a pan.
5. Add the red wine vinegar and red wine and simmer to reduce to a sauce like consistency.
6. Pour 1 tablespoon of the gastrique into each of the 4 ramekins followed by the beet slices and the pastry.
7. Bake in a preheated 350F oven until the pastry is golden brown.
8. Flip the ramekins over onto the plates and let the tatin slide out pastry down.
9. Garnish with the goat cheese, salad greens and remaining gastrique.

Similar Recipes:
Roasted Beet Salad with Blue Cheese and Cashews
Apricot Tatin
Roasted Beets with Caramelized Onions and Feta
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