Monica Bhide, What Are You Reading?

Monica Bhide, incredible cook, cooking instructor, food writer, food writing instructor, and author of three cookbooks, contributes regularly to iSpice, an online column for The Washington Post, the DC CityGuide for ARRIVE magazine, and is a weekly food blogger for AARP-The magazine online. Her most recent book is Modern Spice, and her twitter feed was just voted the best in food in DC by The Washington City Paper’s Best of DC 2010 guide (@mbhide). And, she shares beautiful recipes and great information on her site. I knew Monica would have an interesting answer when I asked her, what are you reading?

Monica: 1. Every Day in Tuscany by Frances Mayes - I have been totally immersed in this book recently. Mayes is one of the most poetic writers I have ever read. Her words take me to Tuscany, make me feel like I am in the piazza with her, sipping my cappuccino and watching the miracles of everyday life on a street corner. I want to breathe the air she breathes, eat the roasted chestnuts her husband roasts over their fireplace, and gaze in wonder at the masterpieces of artists she loves. She makes me want to wander. A perfect read for lovers of food of all kinds but especially for those longing for a bit of romance and those filled with wanderlust

2. The Soul of a New Cuisine by Marcus Samuelsson - I interviewed chef Marcus once and totally fell in love with his philosophy on food and spices. And I love his book. The recipes are enticing and make me want to run into the kitchen. Who would not want to make a caramelized mango soup with poppy seed rice pudding or a spectacular beet ginger chutney. This book is perfect for a spice-lover like me!

Thank you for participating, Monica! Check back to see who answers the question next time and what other books are recommended.

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