Figs with Rosemary Goat Cheese

Last week at the farmers’ market, the first figs of the season appeared. They were small and cute, and I couldn’t resist. I had a couple of ideas for how I would use them. First, I knew I had seen a photo of figs in meringue somewhere, and the image had stuck with me. When I finally found the recipe, I gave it a try. This was a very simple and nice-looking dessert, but in the end it wasn’t one for the permanent file. Kurt’s not a big fan of meringue, and it just wasn’t stellar enough for me to crave it again at a later date.

What I wanted for the remaining figs was something a little more savory. I decided on a goat cheese spread with rosemary. The photos may not look like much, but this was very delicious. It’s Mediterranean in every way: simple, fresh, a perfect mingling of flavors. And, all the ingredients came from right outside my door. Or, pretty close anyway. The figs were of course locally grown, the goat cheese was Texas-made, the honey was local, and I grew the rosemary myself. This recipe has been filed, and I’ll definitely make this again.
5 oz goat cheese at room temperature
1-2 T sour cream
1 t fresh rosemary leaves, finely chopped
2 t honey
Fresh figs

In a medium bowl, stir goat cheese to soften texture. Add 1 T sour cream, rosemary, and honey, and stir to combine. If mixture is very thick, add additional 1 T sour cream and stir to achieve a spreadable consistency.

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