Egg Enchiladas in Pipian

Egg Enchiladas in Pipian

I had some pipian leftover from my turkey and pipian meal and I was wondering what I could use it for. The idea that most interested me was using the pipian to make some egg enchiladas for breakfast. It had been a while since I had last had enchiladas and I could just imagine them with a nice layer of golden brown melted cheese on top of the egg filled tortillas covered in moist pipian. I like h savoury foods for breakfast and the pipian egg enchiladas sounded like a great idea. I decided to keep it simple and I just scrambled the eggs (though you could easily use chopped hard boiled eggs) with some green onions for the filing. The enchiladas were pretty easy to make though they did need to bake for a while so they were not a quick breakfast, but perfect for a weekend. I still had a bit of pipian left and spread it out on the plates before serving the enchiladas on top. The egg enchiladas were nice and moist and the pipian worked well with the eggs and of course the cheesed helped as well. It was certainly a tasty breakfast!

2 cups pipian
4 tortillas (6-8 inches diameter, I used whole wheat)
6 eggs (scrambled)
2 green onions (chopped)
1 cup cheese (grated)

1. Spread a bit of the pipian on the bottom of your 8 inch square baking pan.
2. Dip the tortilla into the pipian.
3. Place some scrambled eggs onto the tortilla and wrap it up.
4. Place the egg enchiladas into a baking pan and cover with the remaining pipian followed by the cheese.
5. Bake in an oven until the pipian is bubbling and the cheese has meted and turned golden brown, about 20-30 minutes.

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