Let's Celebrate!

UPDATE: Instead of choosing one winner, I'll now be choosing five winners to each receive a copy of this book. Barry Estabrook very kindly offered to send a few more copies, and I'm happy to be able to pick more winners.

Why are we celebrating? Because it's March. This blog was born in the month of March four short years ago, and I too was born in the month of March, um, we'll just say a few years prior to that. So for the blog birthday and my birthday, I have a gift for you. I received a review copy of the book Tomatoland by Barry Estabrook in paperback. The paperback version will be released in April. Since I also have the hardcover version which I read last year and then recommended to everyone, I want to share this new paperback with you. Tomatoland is about the problems with the tomato industry and the true cost of the way tomatoes are currently grown. It's enlightening and at some points shocking, and it delivers a bit of good news at the end. Of course, I think everyone should read it. Just leave a comment with your email so I can contact you if you win. I'll pick five winners on Wednesday, April fourth at noon CST. The winners will each need to provide a mailing address in the US after being contacted. Good luck, and happy March!

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