Kicking Off Side Dish Season with Roasted “Wild” Mushroom and Potato Salad

It’s almost that time of year again. The holidays are still a little ways off, but you’re already starting to wonder (worry?) what creative side dishes will adorn the season’s holiday tables. This delicious, and very versatile roasted mushroom and potato salad could be worth a look. 

“Wild” mushrooms have never been less so, and that’s a good thing. Not that hunting for mushrooms in a dewy forest isn’t fun, but I’ll take a nice safe grocery store over actual labor anytime. Especially since the selection has gotten so much better over the years. You can easily find 5-6 varieties of mushrooms in the big markets, and they all will work.

I’ve given you an almost blank canvas here, with possible additions being as numerous as they are obvious. One geometrical change I’d make next time, would be to quarter the potatoes instead of halving them, to add surface area, as well as decreasing the cooking time.

Not only is this salad good hot, room temp, and cold, but it also works for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I hope you give it a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 6 portions
2 tbsp olive oil, more as needed
2 lbs new yellow or red potatoes
1 lb trimmed wild mushrooms
2 oz pancetta
salt and pepper to taste
3 tbsp sherry vinegar
2 tbsp tarragon
2 garlic cloves, finely minced

Note: I roasted the potatoes at 400 F. for 30 minutes, then turned the oven up to 425 F. to finish with the mushrooms. For simplicity’s sake, just use 425 F the whole way. It’s 30 minutes for just potatoes, then about 20-30 more with the mushrooms, tossing a few times. Don’t stop until everything is looking awesome.

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