Tangerine Ogura by Jane Lee

8" square pan

Ingredients A
7 egg yolks + 1 whole egg
70g corn oil
110g Orange juice
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 teaspoon salt
110g top flour (sieved)
2 orange zest

Ingredients B
7 egg white (cold)
1/4 teaspoon tartar
110g caster sugar


1. Line baking sheet at the bottom on 8" inch square pan and preheat the oven to 150deg with a tray of boiling water on the most bottom rack.

2. Whisk egg yolks and corn oil until frothy and add orange juice, mix well. Sift in flour, salt and orange zest, mix well set aside.

3. Using an electric mixer, whisk egg white, cream of tartar and castor sugar till peak form. Gradually add d sugar.

4. Mix 1/3 of meringue with yolk batter with a whisk to loosen the gluten. 2/3 meringue by folding method using a spatula. Then pour in balance of meringue. Fold gently to mix well.

5. Take out 5tablespoon of the batter and add 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder and mixed well. Drop d chocolate batter in circles and use a toothpick to create any patterns

6. Pour batter into pan and tap pan lightly to remove air bubbles.

7. Steam bake top/bottom heat for 35 minutes at 150deg and bake for another 40 minutes at lower temperature 140deg and leave in d oven for another 10min. This temperature is based on my oven.

1. kind ensure pour hot water to steam bath.
2. once baked, over turn the cake and slowly pull away d baking paper and turn back to cool off.

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